PARISIENNE. Lichi Fashion show


The spirit of Parisian chic comes alive in Lichi’s new collection.


For one night only, an ancient palace transformed into a dazzling celebration of light and glamour to unveil the limited-edition Parisienne collection.


The grand scale of the event astonished even the most sophisticated attendees, immersing them in the enchanting atmosphere of Paris.

Velvet, eco-fur, pearls, and gold were the materials of choice, while the noble color palette of black, red, and white gave the collection its unique charm. Each piece is more than clothing — it’s an inspiration drawn from fashion, poetry, history, and philosophy.


Velvet, eco-fur, pearls, and gold were the materials of choice, while the noble color palette of black, red, and white gave the collection its unique charm. Each piece is more than clothing — it’s an inspiration drawn from fashion, poetry, history, and philosophy.


The Parisienne show was not merely an ode to Parisian elegance and style; it was a dream brought to life — a breathtaking story every woman aspires to make her own.

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