When placing an order on our website, you can pay with a card or through the Dolyame.ru service by the Tinkoff Bank.
Card Payment
To complete an online purchase with a bank card, you will be redirected to the payment gateway page of the PJSC Sberbank, where you will be required to enter your card details. The payment gateway and the transmission of information are secured through the SSL security protocol.
If your card provider supports secure online payment Verified By VISA or Master Card Secure Code, you will be required to enter a code to successfully complete your purchase. You can refer to your card provider to find out how to receive a code for an online payment.
Payment details:
· card number
· expiration date
· name of the cardholder
· CVV2 or CVC2 code (on the back of the card)
Sberbank gives the clients 20 minutes to complete an online purchase, so please have your card ready when placing an order.
Samsung Pay
To make a payment using Samsung Pay, please select “Visa, Master Card, MIR”. You will then be redirected to the payment gateway page of the PJSC Sberbank, where you can find other payment options at the bottom of the page. To pay using Samsung Pay, you will need to log in and select your preferred card.
Payment through Dolyame.ru by Tinkoff Bank
The Dolyame.ru service by the Tinkoff Bank makes your payment experience faster and more convenient by splitting the total sum into four parts without fees or extra charges. The main advantage of the service is that you receive the desired purchase already after making the first payment.
You can pay for your purchase using cards by different payment system providers:
1. Create an order on the website;
2. Select the “Dolayme.ru” service as your payment method;
3. Enter your full name, date of birth, phone number and email address;
4. Pay 25% of the total sum when placing your order;
5. The remaining three payments will be withdrawn from your account at an interval of two weeks.*
*Before each withdrawal you will be reminded about the upcoming withdrawal date.
If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help!