We purchase our products from about 20 suppliers located in Central and South Asia.
Supplier requirements
We want our products to be manufactured in good working conditions. Therefore, when choosing a supplier, we attach great importance to adhering to our rules. Our rules are based on the main ILO conventions and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and include the following requirements for suppliers:
· mandatory compliance with local labor laws
· statutory and contractual wages and working hours
· the right to organize, assemble and bargain collectively
· ban on child labor
· prohibition of discrimination
· ban on forced labor
· compliance with standards and safety in the workplace
· compliance with local environmental legislation
All suppliers of clothing and other goods under the Lichi brand are committed to abide by our code of conduct. When our suppliers sign our code of conduct, they also agree to be audited to assess their compliance with the code. This means that we can conduct announced or unannounced checks at any time.
All products sold under the Lichi brand are subject to our Code of Conduct. For products in limited quantities sold under other brands, exclusions may apply.
Supplier Code of Conduct
At the beginning of a relationship with a manufacturer, we conduct an extensive audit. The aim is to get the most accurate picture of social and environmental conditions in the workplace. The audit includes over 50 questions and each audit takes about three days. During an audit, our employees inspect the factory, review employment contracts, timesheets, payroll reports and other documentation, and speak with employees and factory management. After each audit, the results are discussed with the manufacturer. The supplier is then given a specified period of time during which he must draw up a plan to remedy the identified deficiencies. The implementation of such measures is controlled by us.
We fully support and adhere to the core code of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).