Lace and Flowers


Lace and Flowers


Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of palace luxury and lavish balls with the limited edition Lace & Flowers collection.


A medieval mansion, overflowing with flowers and brilliance, served as a stunning backdrop for the exclusive presentation of Lichi's new collection. Inspired by the refinement of the Victorian era, the brand's designers have offered a modern interpretation.

Perfect party? The one with your girlfriends, of course. The one where you can be yourself and have a blast like nowhere else.
Perfect party? The one with your girlfriends, of course. The one where you can be yourself and have a blast like nowhere else.

Airy and delicate fabrics such as satin, silk, and lace endow each piece with unique sophistication and elegance. Never has it been easier to feel like the heroine of a historical novel.

Perfect party? The one with your girlfriends, of course. The one where you can be yourself and have a blast like nowhere else.
Perfect party? The one with your girlfriends, of course. The one where you can be yourself and have a blast like nowhere else.

Outfits that could have been worn by majestic ladies strolling through a blooming garden. Each piece breathes history, yet remains on-trend today.

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